One of the most important elements of the horoscope is the zodiacal house.
The lst, Sth, and 9th are (action) houses; the 2nd, 6th, and 10th are (wealth) houses; the 3rd, 7th, and llth are (desire) houses; and the 4th, 8th, and 12th are (liberation) houses.
In addition to representing twelve different areas of life, the houses are also categorized according to their auspicious or inauspicious natures. The
most beneficial houses in the zodiac are the lst, 5th, and 9th, Trikona, houses. Any planet placed in, or ruling, the lst, 5th or 9th house, will be beneficially influenced. Also auspicious are the angular lst, 4th, 7th and 10th houses, known as Kendra houses. The 1st house is classified as both a Kendra and Trikona. The 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are inauspicious Dusthana houses and the 3rd, 6th, 10th and llth are Up-achaya, or growth, houses.
1st House: (Ascendant or Lagna)
Body, Fame, Limbs, General Appearance, Head
2nd House: Family Wealth, Right Eye,Speech, Truthfulness, Learning, Face
3rd House: Brothers, Bravery, Meals, Right Ear, Courage, ~Breast
4th House: Relations, Education, Mother, House, Land, Comfort, Sister’s Son, Maternal Uncle, Heart
5th House: Offspring, Intelligence, Previous Karma, Vedic Knowledge, Entertainment, Education, Belly
6th House: Enemies, Kinsmen, Diseases, Humiliation, Debt, Anxiety, Servants, Hip
7th House: Wife or Husband, Generosity, Respect, Desire, Passion, Groin
8th House: Duration of Life, Death, Mental Pain, Sorrow, Obstacles, SexualOrgans
9th House: Deeds of Virtue, Father, Medicine, Anything Auspicious, Luck, Worship, Duty, Fortune, Thighs
10th House: Vocation, Knowledge, Clothes, Honor, Occupation, Commerce, Knees
llth House: Income, Fulfillment, Eldest Brother, Good News, Earnings, Left Ear, Calves,
Result of Capabilities, Legs and Ankles)
12th House: Loss, Bad Deeds, Travels, Misery, Left Eye, Feet